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Meaning of ANVIL

Pronunciation:  'anvil

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering
  2. [n]  the ossicle between the malleus and the stapes

ANVIL is a 5 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: incus
 See Also: auditory ossicle, block, forge, middle ear, smithy, tympanic cavity, tympanum



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \An"vil\, n. [OE. anvelt, anfelt, anefelt, AS. anfilt,
    onfilt; of uncertain origin; cf. OHG. anafalz, D. aanbeld.]
    1. An iron block, usually with a steel face, upon which
       metals are hammered and shaped.
    2. Anything resembling an anvil in shape or use. Specifically
       (Anat.), the incus. See {Incus}.
    {To be on the anvil}, to be in a state of discussion,
       formation, or preparation, as when a scheme or measure is
       forming, but not matured. --Swift.
  2. \An"vil\, v. t.
    To form or shape on an anvil; to hammer out; as, anviled
    armor. --Beau. & Fl.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of an anvil is the indication that you are in control of your life, and that you hold in your own hands, the key to your success or failures. Of course, this will require some hard work from your part. A broken anvil means that you have shown misdjugment and did not take adantage of some good opportunities.
Easton Bible Dictionary

the rendering of the Hebrew word , "beaten," found only in Isa. 41:7.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: alembic, auditory apparatus, auditory canal, auditory meatus, auditory nerve, auditory ossicles, auditory tube, auricle, basilar membrane, bony labyrinth, caldron, cauliflower ear, cochlea, conch, concha, crucible, drumhead, ear, ear lobe, eardrum, endolymph, engine, Eustachian tube, external ear, hammer, incus, inner ear, lathe, lobe, lobule, lug, machine, malleus, mastoid process, melting pot, middle ear, mortar, motor, organ of Corti, outer ear, oval window, perilymph, pinna, retort, round window, secondary eardrum, semicircular canals, shell, stapes, stirrup, test tube, transducer, transformer, tympanic cavity, tympanic membrane, tympanum, vestibule