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Meaning of ACANTHUS

Pronunciation:  u'kanthus

WordNet Dictionary
[n]  any plant of the genus Acanthus having large spiny leaves and spikes or white or purplish flowers; native to Mediterranean region but widely cultivated

ACANTHUS is a 8 letter word that starts with A.


 See Also: Acanthus mollis, bear's breech, bear's breeches, genus Acanthus, herb, herbaceous plant, sea holly



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\A*can"thus\, n.; pl. E. {Acanthuses}, L. {Acanthi}.
[L., from Gr. ?. Cf. {Acantha}.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of herbaceous prickly plants, found in the
   south of Europe, Asia Minor, and India; bear's-breech.
2. (Arch.) An ornament resembling the foliage or leaves of
   the acanthus ({Acanthus spinosus}); -- used in the
   capitals of the Corinthian and Composite orders.