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Meaning of OBITUARY

Pronunciation:  ow'bichoo`eree

Matching Terms:  obituarily

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing or reading an obituary in your dream, represents the end to your old attitudes and outdated beliefs.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adventures, annals, arch, archival, autobiography, barrow, bill of mortality, biographical sketch, biography, body count, boundary stone, brass, bust, cairn, case history, casualty list, cenotaph, chronicle, chronicles, chronology, cinerary, Clio, column, confessions, cromlech, cross, cup, curriculum vitae, cyclolith, death roll, diary, dirgelike, dismal, documental, documentary, documentational, dolmen, epigraphic, epitaphic, eulogy, exequial, experiences, feral, footstone, fortunes, funebrial, funebrious, funebrous, funeral, funerary, funereal, grave, gravestone, hagiography, hagiology, headstone, historiography, history, hoarstone, inscription, journal, legend, life, life and letters, life story, marker, martyrology, mausoleum, megalith, memento, memoir, memoirs, memorabilia, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, memorials, menhir, monolith, monument, mortuary, mortuary roll, mound, mournful, Muse of history, necrological, necrologue, necrology, obelisk, obit, obsequial, photobiography, pillar, plaque, prize, profile, pyramid, record, register of deaths, reliquary, remembrance, resume, ribbon, rostral column, sepulchral, shaft, shrine, stela, stone, story, stupa, tablet, testimonial, theory of history, tomb, tombstone, tope, trophy