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Meaning of ADANSONIA

WordNet Dictionary
[n]  baobab; cream-of-tartar tree

ADANSONIA is a 9 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: genus Adansonia
 See Also: Adansonia digitata, Adansonia gregorii, baobab, Bombacaceae, cream-of-tartar tree, dilleniid dicot genus, family Bombacaceae, monkey-bread tree, sour gourd



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ad`an*so"ni*a\, n. [From Adanson, a French botanist.]
A genus of great trees related to the Bombax. There are two
species, {A. digitata}, the baobab or monkey-bread of Africa
and India, and {A. Gregorii}, the sour gourd or
cream-of-tartar tree of Australia. Both have a trunk of
moderate height, but of enormous diameter, and a
wide-spreading head. The fruit is oblong, and filled with
pleasantly acid pulp. The wood is very soft, and the bark is
used by the natives for making ropes and cloth. --D. C.