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t ---> tabu
tabula ---> tadzhikistan
tae kwon do ---> tailpiece
tailpin ---> take the field
take the fifth ---> talkily
talking ---> tamias
tamias striatus ---> tangram
tangue ---> tape record
tape recorder ---> tarente
tarentism ---> tartramic
tartramide ---> tauntress
tauon ---> taxiarch
taxicab ---> teacake
teacart ---> technicalness
technicals ---> teewit
teff ---> teleostan
teleostean ---> telford
telfordize ---> temporal arrangement
temporal arteritis ---> tenderling
tenderloin ---> tensibility
tensible ---> teratology
teratoma ---> termless
termly ---> tertiary period
tertiary syphilis ---> tetanomotor
tetanus ---> tetrao urogallus
tetraodontidae ---> text-hand
textile ---> thar
tharms ---> the whole way
thea ---> theobroma
theobroma cacao ---> theraphosidae
therapist ---> thermology
thermoluminescence ---> thibetian
thible ---> thiocarbonic
thiocyanate ---> thistledown
thistlelike ---> thoracic vertebra
thoracica ---> thread maker
threadbare ---> threshold gate
threshold level ---> throw
throw a fit ---> thunderstorm
thunderstrike ---> thysanopteron
thysanopterous ---> tidbit
tidde ---> tightfistedness
tight-fitting ---> timbuktu
timburine ---> tim-whiskey
tin ---> tinto
tintometer ---> titanitic
titanium ---> to-
to a fault ---> toby jug
tocainide ---> toilless
toilsome ---> toman
tomas de torquemada ---> tonguelike
tongue-pad ---> toothing
toothless ---> topped
topper ---> torpitude
torpor ---> toss in
toss off ---> toughish
toughly ---> townsendia
townsendia exscapa ---> trachelobranchiate
trachelorrhaphy ---> trade union
trade union movement ---> trail riding
trail rope ---> tranquilliser
tranquillity ---> transforming gene
transformism ---> transmogrification
transmogrify ---> transversalis
transversalis abdominis ---> travel plan
travel purposefully ---> treatment
treature ---> tremendous
tremendously ---> triakisoctahedron
trial ---> trichiasis
trichina ---> tricornigerous
tricorporal ---> trigone
trigonella ---> trine
trinectes ---> triple sec
triple-crown ---> tritical
triticin ---> trogue
troic ---> troth
trothless ---> true anomaly
true bacteria ---> trundle
trundle bed ---> tsine
tsouic ---> tubulibranchiata
tubulicole ---> tumbledung
tumbler ---> tunney
tunny ---> turgidness
turgidous ---> turner
turnerite ---> tussilago farfara
tussis ---> twelve
twelve noon ---> twist bit
twist drill ---> tying up
tyke ---> typographical error
typographically ---> tzetze fly